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What it really takes to succeed in an MLM business
The question : «How to succeed in business?» is timeless. There are university, college and private training programs around the world which exist for the sole purpose of answering it.
When that question is applied to MLM businesses, the answer, not surprisingly, is very similar. The difference, I find, is that most people treat their MLM business like a hobby instead of like the business it actually is, which is the perfect recipe for failure.
If you have ever owned an MLM business, there is a high probability that the success advice you got on day one sounded like this: «Make a list of 100 names, call each one with your sponsor, write down your goals, attend company presentations, learn about the products, sell the products, etc.»
But how many of us got the actual 411 on the real investment needed to succeed, right off the bat? Very few, I’m sure. So here’s the truth about the actual costs of building a successful MLM business from someone who’s been there (more than once).
Selection for the next training in progress on LinkedIn
Last week we started opening spots into our business training for college and university students.
This week, we will start our very exclusive selection process on LinkedIn for the next training session.
If you know someone interested in applying, tell them to send us a request including the link to their LinkedIn profile page.
Behavioural Styles: DISC Assessment
Interestingly, the origins of behavioural styles go back to Ezekiel in 590 BC who described the style as Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle. Then Hippocrates in 370 BC and Galen in 190 AD gave their versions. Also, Meyers in 1950 and Keirsey in 1998 adapted the concept to modern concerns.
But it was William Moulton Marston who, in 1928, published the findings that were the basis of the DISC Assessment. He was an accomplished man who was not only a lawyer and a physiological psychologist; he also produced the first functional lie detector polygraph, authored self-help books and created the Wonder Woman comic.
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.”
– Lao Tzu
Research shows that the most successful people share the common trait of self-awareness. They recognize the situations that will make them successful, and this makes it easy for them to find ways of achieving objectives that fit their behavioural style. They also understand their limitations and where they are not effective and this helps them understand where not to go or how not to be as well. Those who understand their natural behavioural preferences are far more likely to pursue the right opportunities, in the right way, at the right time, and get the results they desire.
Let’s explore the four behavioural styles (D-I-S-C) and how to work most effectively with each one.
Business training offered to college and university students
Last week we started hosting networking events, allowing you to give exposure to your current business or occupation, as well as develop a network for future endeavours. Contact us to find out more.
This week, we will start opening spots into our business training for college and university students. The information has been sent out to several educational institutions in and around Montreal, so they can give their students an opportunity to stay ahead of the game.
If you know a student interested in perfecting their management skills, send them this info right now.
Network Marketing vs. MLM
If you are new to the home-based business industry, or maybe even a more mature entrepreneur, one of the questions you might be asking yourself is: « Are Network Marketing and Multi-Level-Marketing the same thing or what? » I know that was one of my first questions when I started almost 20 years ago, and now I wondered about the evolution of the answer to it.
So I re-did the research and was actually surprised by what I found. There seemed to be more confusion now than several years ago. And the basic definitions appeared to have changed quite a bit. I cannot be certain of the reason for it, but my guess is that in the business world, we like to simplify things in order to make owning a business more accessible. But in this case, I find we went a little overboard.
Although opinions on this subject are very divergent, there seems to be more supporters of the theory that Network Marketing and Multi-Level-Marketing are exactly the same thing. As far as I can remember, this is the first time I disagree with the opinion found on a great site: Wikipedia. And here’s why.
Networking Events
Last week we started offering live business presentations, introducing our business training, and giving you the opportunity to find out if this is the right fit, in order to achieve your dreams.
This week, we will start hosting networking events. Our two specialities are training and networking, since we believe they are the foundation of any business or profession.
Take advantage of the informal setting of such events to give exposure to your current business or occupation, as well as develop a network for future endeavours, in an enjoyable environment.
Contact us to find out more about our events.
Network Marketing vs. Franchising
In 2013, more and more people feel the urge to be their own boss, make their own schedule, travel whenever and wherever they want, work from home, and generally create more freedom for their family and themselves. For all these reasons, and more, many of us are looking toward owning our own business, in the hopes that our wants and needs will be met more fully.
But then we start looking, researching and listening to those around us, and more times than not, end up with more questions than we started with. Phoenix Alliance’s business segments address one of those questions every week. This week we will explain the difference between Network Marketing and Franchising, as well as the pros and cons of each one.
First of all, it is important to realize that Network Marketing and Franchising are both «Franchise Concepts», the first being a «variation on the theme», a «derived product», or an «evolution» of the second. Because of that, most (if not all) of the advantages of Franchising are also found in Network Marketing. Let’s explore Franchising first.
Live Business Presentations
Last week we opened registrations for our Spring 2013 business training session with two amazing PROMOTIONS and only limited spots available.
This week, we will start offering live business presentations, introducing to you a very successful team and amazing business training, and giving you the opportunity to find out if this is the right fit, in order to achieve your dreams.
Take the first step towards finding a vehicle to attain financial success:
Join us at a business presentation!
Lucrative Internship Alternative
Why would you spend money to start your own business instead of receiving a salary by doing an internship?
Because it is the most lucrative alternative of the two.
«There’s freedom in this knowledge. You become the captain of your own ship, the maker of your destiny. Whether you end up working for someone else or pursuing another entrepreneurial adventure, you know the success of your career is in your hands.»
(Sean Johnson)
Internship vs. Business is exactly like the old saying: «If you give someone a fish, they eat for one day. But if you teach them to fish, they eat every day for the rest of their life.» Of course starting a business while in school or immediately after is certainly not the traditional option. But ask yourself this: Would you rather someone else decide if, when and how much you are worth being fed, or would you feel more secure knowing you are in control?
Here is a simple way to decide between an internship and starting your business, depending on your specific situation. You need to consider the financial aspect and the experience aspect. Let’s explore the finances first.
Spring 2013 Training Promotions
Last week we launched our new website and newsletter, as well as our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
This week, we are opening registrations for our Spring 2013 business training session. And we have two amazing PROMOTIONS: 33% discount on tuition fee, and 100% of the discounted tuition fee reimbursed upon successful completion of the training. In other words it’s FREE!
There are only limited spots available; make sure to reserve yours now before it’s too late.