
Is professional reorientation for you?

Is professional reorientation for you?Although in North America this concept is not very well-know, in Europe it has spawned an entire industry of coaching and consulting firms. The programs are quite expensive and take a long time to complete. But in order to find something you love to do and make it lucrative, I have no doubt it is worth it.

The process involves aptitude and interest tests, personal self-assessment, developing a strategy to apply the reorientation, gaining access to new companies, dealing with recruitment companies, utilizing and leveraging your personal network, evaluating market perspectives, and many other tools and resources.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of at least ten specific groups of people that would be perfect candidates for professional reorientation. So if this ideology is so developed in Europe, why is North America not following? I think the answer might be that North Americans simply use a different method to attain the same result.  And here it is.


20 Networking Tips and Etiquette Rules

20 Networking Tips and Etiquette RulesIs networking a shallow, self-serving, fly-by-night deal ? Many people think so, and I believe this reputation is due to some professionals and business people that, unknowingly, act in a manner fuelling this negative image.

I think that every aspect of our lives evolves through networking, and that it should be about helping other people before anything else. Most of the time, if you offer something of value to a perfect stranger, the chances of them reciprocating is so much higher.

So to contribute in giving networking the altruistic reputation it should have, I will share with you 20 tips and etiquette rules that, if followed, will make you a better networker and enhance the experience for everyone.


Childpreneurs : Investing in the future

Childpreneur: Investing in the future

While doing research on Mompreneurs for one of my recent articles, I came across the notion of «Childpreneur». It intrigued me greatly and, to my surprise, I found very little written about this subject. Childpreneurs have existed for a very long time, but no one has given them the importance I believe they should have. I guess the idea is in its infancy (pun intended)!

With this article I intend to start raising awareness about the true infinite potential our children possess. If they can learn several dozen languages before the age of six, imagine what they can learn about mastering their own financial future through owning their own business.


If children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses.
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

So what is a Childpreneur? Where are they most commonly found? How can you discover if your children have this inclination? And if they do, what can you, as a parent, do to nurture it to its full potential? Let’s make a trip to «Business Neverland» and find out.


Networking is not about who you know, but who knows you

We started our project “Interviews of interesting people” with Noah Redler, a Montreal entrepreneur and involved member of the Start-Up community and RJCCQ (Regroupement des Jeunes Chambres de Commerce du Québec).  

Noah’s specializations are project management, communication strategy, political strategy, event and production logistics, problem solving, and writing (speech, content, creative).

Noah started his first company when he was 22 years old. He is a successful entrepreneur, and today he helps us to understand more about the wonderful world of entrepreneurship.

The principal focus of our conversation was about networking, this powerful tool that can change your business, steering it in a good or bad direction.

Networking is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization!
– Adam Small

Networking is about making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships. There are thousands of reasons to build a strong network, be it sales related (meeting new prospects, receiving referrals to new prequalified prospects) or non-sales related (find a new job, getting new ideas, new insights and new wisdom, getting another perspective). In this article we will explain the most important tips to create and to maintain a strong network.

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