Income Tax Deductions
Did you know that, through income tax deductions, you will receive guaranteed passive income simply by owning a home-based business?
The Tax Laws require that you operate your home-based business with a reasonable expectation of generating profits. But the Tax Authorities will allow you a few years to attain that result. Meanwhile, many of the expenses you already have can be deducted from your taxable income, thus decreasing the amount you owe the Government on April 30th (or increasing your tax return, as the case may be).
Here are several common deductions almost anyone can claim, and how to calculate if it is worth the investment of starting a home-based business.
New Phoenix Alliance Website Official Launch
We are happy to announce the launch of our new website today !
We invite you to visit the different sections of our site and give us your comments.
At the same time, we have also launched our social media pages.
You can take a look at our Facebook page as well as our LinkedIn page.
And finally, this is also the launch of our Newsletter. It will be published weekly and contain updates about our activities, and an informative segment about business-related topics. You can subscribe at the bottom of the page.
We are honoured to have you with us for this important event and pleased to share this experience with you.
Please come and visit us regularly now that you have taken the first step toward financial success.
We are very pleased to welcome you on our new website. We are still working on the last details, and expect to officially launch in one month. Subscribe to our newsletter and you will be among the first to find out our official launch date !